Wednesday, March 18, 2009

march 16th + 17th

on the 16th, I walked to work in the rain. I've been trying to limit my excuses not to go places on foot, and a little rain is no longer one of them. If it were pouring, it might have to be different because I don't have any proper rain gear; but a windbreaker was enough to keep the drizzle off.

On my way home, I took a different route, which was a bit longer than the way I normally go. I wanted to walk by a house that was for sale and check it out. It was disappointing, which was for the better I guess, because it turned out to have some serious issues that would need to be addressed by the next owner. The walkability would have been nice though, a little closer to the store, a little closer to the grocery store, and dangerously close to the beer store.

the 17th was st. patrick's day. I was off, so I didn't get to commute, but I did decide to walk to the bars and back to celebrate. I didn't go far, but the walk was nice for all the usual reasons, plus I didn't have to worry so much about how many beers I had to drink!

March 16th - 17th

10.42 miles
106.78 miles cumulative
4.2712 total gallons saved