Yesterday I rode my bike to work and back.
I'm not really sure why, but lately I've been thinking about pickled eggs a lot. Which is weird, because I can't even remember the last time I ate one.
I'm competitively loosing weight right now, which means I don't get to do much cooking, so I thought it would be a perfect time to make my own pickled eggs. I get to cook them, which gives me something to do right now; but they wont even be ready until after the contest is over, so there's temptation to screw up my fast right now.
Anyway, I needed a lot of ingredients, so I also walked down to the grocery store and back last night.
When I got home I made habanero garlic pickled eggs. They should be pretty awesome, but I wont really know until I after I get back from our trip to Europe.
may 28th
9.4 miles
458.74 miles cumulative
18.3496 total gallons saved